
Oxymoron In Romeo And Juliet

A concise paradox comprising 2 reverse terms is chosen an oxymoron. An oxymoron can either be a phrase, or a sentence. Within a dramatic text, an oxymoron is oft incorporated to highlight the complexity underlying an idea. In Shakespearean tragedies, oxymorons are meant to reinforce the grief, horror, remorse or shock experienced by the characters. For instance, in "Romeo and Juliet", the main characters often resort to oxymorons to emphasize the intensity of their emotions that cannot be expressed otherwise. Some of these oxymoron examples are highlighted below:

Oxymoron in "Romeo and Juliet"

Example #one

"Yet tell me non, for I take heard it all.
Hither'south much to practice with hate, but more with love.
Why then, O brawling honey, O loving detest…"

(I. i. 179-181)

This quote is spoken by Romeo later on Benvolio advises him to forego his infatuation with Rosaline. Unable to overcome his obsession with Rosaline, Romeo has an emotional outburst, and he uses the oxymoron – "loving detest" to limited his inner turmoil. Loving hate is a contradictory term that signifies that honey and hate can exist simultaneously. Unrequited dearest can breed hatred and vice versa. Past emphasizing the duality of honey and hate, this phrase highlights the clashing emotions experienced by Romeo.

Example #2

"Plume of pb, brilliant fume, cold fire, ill health,
Still-waking sleep that is not what it is!"

(I. i. 185-186)

The above verse is replete with several oxymorons that highlight the heaviness that descends on Romeo afterwards Rosaline refuses to respond to his honey. The conflicting term, "feather of atomic number 82", is outlined as an attribute of love and implies that although the initial phase of love is like a breeze that feels as light as a feather. The aftermath of brutal rejection by one's beloved feels like a burden as heavy as atomic number 82. Moreover, "sick wellness" refers to the fact that the initial feeling of well-being ensured past love, tin can quickly transform into sickness as a result of unrequited love.

Example #3

"Skilful nighttime, skilful night. Parting is such sweet

(Ii. ii. 199-200)

Juliet delivers the above-mentioned endearing verse to bid farewell to Romeo during the pivotal balustrade scene. In this verse, the oxymoronic phrase, "sweet sorrow" signifies that temporary estrangement from 1's lover simultaneously yields unsettling sorrow and a sweet sense of hopefulness. Hence, for Juliet, the apprehension of her probable reunion with Romeo, balances out the pain of temporary separation, emphasizing the coexistence of exquisite joy and sadness.

Case #4

"Mercy only murders, pardoning those that kill."

(Three. i. 207)

The above statement is an example of an oxymoronic sentence delivered past the Prince of Verona as he penalizes Romeo for killing Tybalt. Afterwards realizing that the killing is an accidental occurrence, the Prince orders Romeo to be exiled. However, the contradiction in this particular penalization becomes evident from the fact that while exile may appear equally a pardon or a less painful judgement, it is infinitely more than agonizing than imprisonment. In result, for Romeo, exile is a life-judgement disguised as mercy.

Example #five

O serpent heart, hid with a flow'ring face!
Did e'er dragon proceed so off-white a cave?
Beautiful tyrant, fiend angelical!

(3. ii. 79-81)

These emphatic verses feature a serial of oxymorons spoken past Juliet later on she discovers that Romeo has murdered Tybalt. Riddled with intense disbelief and shock, Juliet refers to Romeo every bit a "cute tyrant" and "fiend angelical." These paradoxical phrases highlight that there is a stark discrepancy between Romeo's seemingly harmless and beautiful demeanor and his tyrant-like murderous impulse. Juliet'due south daze is compounded by the fact that both angelical and fiend-like qualities can simultaneously coexist in her beloved thereby leading her to be skeptical of her own judgment of Romeo.

Example #half-dozen

 "A damnèd saint, an honorable villain!"

(III. two. 88)

Later learning about Tybalt'southward murder, Juliet wavers between belief and disbelief and refers to Romeo every bit a "damned saint" and "honorable villain." These oxymoronic phrases highlight the inner disharmonize plaguing Juliet in relation to Romeo'south essential goodness. Unable to categorize Romeo as being entirely villainous or saint-similar, Juliet tries to reassure herself by exclaiming that Romeo is not entirely devoid of honor and has some semblance of humanity in him.

Instance #7

"Was ever book containing such vile matter
So fairly bound? O, that deceit should dwell
In such a gorgeous palace!"

(3. ii. 89-91)

While trying to assimilate the shock of Romeo'southward brutal killing of Tybalt, Juliet ponders on Romeo'due south activeness and uses the higher up oxymoronic sentence to reinforce the contrast between Romeo'south trustworthy, amicable exterior and the rash impulsive attribute of his personality. Juliet equates Romeo with a "fairly bound" book comprised of "vile affair," having a deceptive impact thereby emphasizing the distinction between Romeo'due south appearance and reality.

Instance #8

"Only in her case. O woeful sympathy!"

(III. iii. 93)

This statement is delivered by the nurse afterward Friar Lawrence informs her that Romeo endlessly cries after being estranged from Juliet. The oxymoron "woeful sympathy" highlights the distressing predicament experienced by both Juliet and Romeo due to their separation from each other. Although sympathy essentially implies pity and solace, the adjective "woeful" signifies the contrasting element of sorrow that underlies sympathy thereby highlighting the unresolvable sadness felt by Juliet'southward nurse when she sees the heartache of the two lovers.

Instance #9

"And thou art wedded to calamity."

(Iii. iii. 160)

This item oxymoronic poesy is expressed by Friar Lawrence while he is counseling Romeo. The Friar uses the phrase, "wedded to calamity" to highlight the misfortune and catastrophes that seem to haunt Romeo wherever he goes relentlessly. In this oxymoronic phrase, the contrast arises from the juxtaposition of "wedded" – connoting joyous commemoration and blissful union – with "calamity" – that denotes pain and ache.

Example #10

"That almost freezes up the estrus of life."

(IV. 3. 17)

This quintessential statement is delivered past Juliet before drinking the sleeping potion. The oxymoronic phrase, freezing upward the heat of life, highlights the fear lurking in Juliet's eye pertaining to the aftereffect of drinking the potion. This graphic contrast of spooky fear and Juliet's warm blood effectively conveys the overwhelming feet experienced by Juliet – the unsettling feeling that something atrocious might happen and might eventually jeopardize her life.


Oxymoron In Romeo And Juliet,


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