
What Is A Periodic Expense

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The 3 Types Of Expenses (Fixed, Periodic and Variable) | Be The Budget

When it comes to personal finance, in that location are 3 types of expenses with which you should familiarize yourself. Beyond that, if you want to improve your financial situation, you should learn how to upkeep and prepare for them properly. With that in mind — and before we become besides much further — permit me to address the almost obvious question: what are the 3 types of expenses?

The 3 types of expenses include: fixed, variable and periodic. Stock-still expenses occur in predictable amounts and are usually paid in monthly intervals. Periodic expenses also occur in predictable amounts and intervals, but are much less frequent (i.e. quarterly). Variable expenses are discretionary and can be modified by your financial behavior.

And while we normally spend time talking most specific expenses like your cable bill, your mortgage, and your debt payments, in this article, I want to focus on the broader pic.

What follows is a guide to these 3 types of expenses, and how you lot can ameliorate ready for them.

Let's dive in!

Stock-still Expenses

Fixed expenses are the easiest type of expense for which to set, considering they come in at both a consistent interval and amount. For case, expenses like your rent or mortgage, your auto insurance, and your net bill are fixed.

Sure, they may vary past a few dollars from one month to the next, but for the most part, they are fairly predictable. And since they are so predictable, the full corporeality you pay toward fixed expenses each month will essentially become your spending baseline.

The easiest way to budget for stock-still expenses, is to starting time each month with a copy of the previous calendar month's budget. That manner, none of your fixed expenses volition fall through the cracks.

3 Types Of Expenses | Be The Budget

Reducing Your Stock-still Expenses

If you are trying to reduce your monthly fiscal outflow, then fixed expenses are a neat identify to start. Dissimilar reducing or eliminating variable expenses — which only temporarily impacts your budget — whenever you notice means to reduce your stock-still expenses, you lot are making an impact on your fiscal life for a long time going forward.

That'due south why things like shopping for cheaper car insurance, or finding a less expensive cell telephone plan can be so beneficial.

When y'all reduce your fixed expenses, you lot are decreasing your monthly cost of living.

If you want to reduce your fixed expenses, here are a few of the best means to exercise so.

1. Pay Off Debt

1 of the best, and quickest, ways to reduce the full amount you pay toward fixed expenses is to exit of debt. Think about it like this, every monthly debt payment y'all make is a fixed expense. So, every fourth dimension you retire a debt, and eliminate that monthly payment, you are reducing the full corporeality you pay toward stock-still expenses.

ii. Reduce Your Insurance Premiums

No matter what kind of insurance payments you brand each month, from renter'southward insurance to car insurance, finding a plan that offers a lower monthly premium can have a seriously positive bear on on your fixed expenses.

iii. Reduce Your Cell Phone Plan

Cell phone plans can get a trivial ridiculous. And with so many different options out there, in that location is no need for you to pay through the nose for information technology. Store effectually, and look for a better programme. This could finish up saving you hundreds of dollars per twelvemonth.

4. Reduce Your Rent Or Mortgage

If you feel like your fixed expenses are likewise high, and restricting your lifestyle, and then you lot might desire to consider reducing the toll of your living situation. For those of you with a mortgage, that might mean selling your house and ownership a new domicile with a cheaper monthly payment. For renters it's as uncomplicated equally finding a new, cheaper place to lease.

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Periodic Expenses

Equally I mentioned at the showtime of this commodity, periodic expenses are similar to stock-still expenses. They still occur in predictable intervals, albeit much less frequent, and they can tend to vary in their amount.

Automotive expenses like regular oil changes, or your annual registration are swell examples of periodic expenses. Additionally, if you are a concern possessor, quarterly taxes are likely one of your biggest periodic expenses.

The Three Types Of Expenses | Be The Budget

Managing Your Periodic Expenses

The thing about periodic expenses, is they tend to be necessary, which makes them hard to cutting from your budget. To use my previously mentioned examples, information technology wouldn't be a good thought to reduce your periodic expenses past eliminating oil changes, or non paying your quarterly business expenses. Both of those are necessary expenses.

Instead, you lot should just be extremely diligent in budgeting and preparing for periodic expenses, so that they don't sneak up on you.

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Variable Expenses

You lot can break variable expenses into two sub-categories: necessary and discretionary.

The necessary portion of variable expenses are things like gas for your motorcar, your electric bill, and your monthly nutrient budget. While they might not exist a consistent corporeality, or occur at a predictable interval, they are still necessary.

The discretionary portion of variable expenses are things like recreational spending. For instance, ownership a new pair of shoes that you lot didn't technically 'need', would be considered a variable, discretionary expense.

Withal, regardless of whether a variable expense is necessary or discretionary, part of what makes it variable is that y'all tin control it in some style with your behavior.

For case if you want to reduce your electric bill, all you take to do is turn off lights, and swallow less electricity.

If you lot desire to spend less on gas, so you can take public transportation, or ride your bike to work.

Finally, if you want to reduce the amount you spend on discretionary expenses similar recreation, then don't purchase that pair of shoes you lot don't really demand.

Variable expenses are the easiest to control when it comes to your fiscal life. Yous simply have to brand a witting pick to do so.

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three Types Of Expenses: Summary

The more you sympathize these iii types of expenses, the better y'all can financially set for them. To review:

  • Fixed Expenses occur in predictable amounts and intervals. In about cases, they occur on a monthly basis.
  • Periodic Expenses are similar to fixed expenses, but they occur much less frequently. (i.e. quarterly or annually)
  • Variable Expenses tin can be influenced by your financial behavior and decision-making. Additionally, they can be divided into 2 sub-categories: necessary or discretionary.

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About The Author

Zach Buchenau is a self-proclaimed personal finance nerd. When he isn't writing about budgeting, getting out of debt, making extra coin, and living a frugal life, you can notice him building furniture, fly angling, or developing websites. He is the co-founder of BeTheBudget, and Chipotle's most loyal customer.

What Is A Periodic Expense,


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